Thursday, March 27, 2008

almost my birthday.

this is my favorite outfit i wore on vacation.

my 21st birthday is in a few short hours. it's pretty crazy.

new purse :]

i bought a few really cute things.. i'll post them soon :]

but for now.. check this out. WATCH THE WHOLE THING. it's amazing.

Monday, March 24, 2008

beach time!

im in myrtle beach with my friend scott.
we've only been here a few days but i managed to take a few pictures to post.
my uncle recently bought a new house so heres a few pictures :]

living room. its beautiful.



no hands?

cheesy photo shoot!

me & my bike.

we love myrtle!!!

more pics to come :]

hope everyones having a good spring break.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


i've been so busy i haven't had time to update. school and work are ruling my life.

but tomorrow morning i'm leaving with my friend scott to head to myrtle beach! for spring break!

maybe i'll update while i'm there or something.

peace :]

Sunday, March 16, 2008

sneakerology 101?

i posted this on my myspace.. but i have to post it here bc it's so amazing!

Pennsylvania's Carnegie Mellon University has introduced its official sneaker based class, Sneakerology 101.

A university level course dealing with sneaker culture on the whole. Ranging from its roots in the 1970s to its shaping by hip-hop, the internet and basketball among other factors, the course covers the overall impact of sneakers on a worldwide level. The class utilizes Bobbito Garcia's Where'd You Get Those? for reference as well as various sneaker-based websites. Evaluations include a mid-term project pertaining to the design of a sneaker, incorporating elements acquired along the way. Interested parties can sign up for the class' next session set for Spring of 2009.

if this was offered at my school, i would be on this like white on rice.

speaking of sneakers i thought i'd post my favorite pair.. :]

oh and todays outfit.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


new blog :]

i plan on blogging about anything and everything..

so add me to your favorites, and check back every now and again.

for those of you who don't know me..
my names mandy.

a few things i enjoy would be..

GOD. good conversation. fashion. starbucks. laughing. traveling. thinking about EVERYTHING. reading. the park. family. friends. driving around aimlessly. [cant do that much anymore bc george bush is a oil whore] movies. & more.

also .. check out the amazing hosiery i had going on today :]

oh and heres a few pictures of my cat [layne] being pissed bc im trying to take pictures of her to blog to the world!

my kitty baby <3