Saturday, July 26, 2008

the next style maven.

lourdes leon.
madonnas daughter.

at the age of 12, with style like this, i think we will be seeing
her in fashion magazines for years to come.
[the pictures with the weird white writing are from
perez hiltons website.. no clue how to take it off.]

Thursday, July 17, 2008

open up your mind.

i went to myrtle beach last week, here's a few pictures from my vacation :]

murrells inlet.
me on the dock.
rocky. this dog is a diva. i swear he acts like a human.
me & mom. toooo funny.
chris, me & kelly :]
laying poolside with harry potter.. the life.
: D
today after work, i went into old navy
and they had an extra 50% off all their clearance items.
you guys should go check it out.
a few things that i bought..

sandels. $5
ring. $1.75
dress. $5
sweatshirt. $2.50
tomorrow night i will be attending the dark knight.
i haven't been this excited for a movie since..
hp 5.. last summer. so it should be pretty amazing :]

i hope everyone has enjoyed their summer &
make sure you enjoy the last month that we have left!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

but i suppose it's just the way the cookie crumbles

if you haven't heard of mr. johnny cupcakes. then let me introduce you :]
johnny cupcakes is a man who started his own t-shirt business out the back of his car. he started making t-shirts for himself, and people started asking him where he got them, and when he replied that he had made them himself, people began putting in orders. soon after what started as johnny producing shirts for himself and his friends, was slowly becoming a business. now he has a store in boston and one opening very soon in la. he has been offered deals to have his clothes in department stores all over the country, but has chosen to keep his brand unique and one of a kind. this is what i find so remarkable about johnny. he could make so much money, it would be insane. [ not that he's not already producing mad cash ] but you get my drift. we all know the type of money these company's would offer him. i have four of johnny's shirts, and i am getting ready to order my fifth. not only do i love johnny's designs, and the story behind it, you also know that your shirt is one of not so many. he is not mass producing these all over the world. so once he sells two or three pressings of each shirt, they are gone forever! which makes it that much more special. and on top of that he sends you an awesome little baggy with a pin, mint, & an old school collectors card, such as saved by the bell, teenage mutant ninja turtles and so on. so his t-shirts may a bit pricey, but they are really good quality, and are something not everyone will have, especially if you live in huntington west virginia!

johnnys myspace :]
johnnys main site, he has a good blog on here that he updates frequently as well :]

here is the shirt i will be getting in the mail shortly :]
in honor of the new batman movie.. i thought this was pretty sick.

another one of my shirts, which is currently in it's last pressing.
me & one of scotts t' go check his stuff out, and maybe pick something up for yourself. :]
i'll take pictures of my other shirts sometime and put them on here.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

everything i'm not, made me everything i am.

have you ever spent months out of your life thinking/over analyzing/obsessing over the same thing. and you know whats worse, when it's about something/someone you would do anything to avoid. it's the worst. you tell yourself over and over again. STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. you try to convince yourself that it doesn't matter, they don't matter. you know i have this thing where i can make myself not care or least i "think" i can do that. what happens when you can't shake it? it makes no sense to think of this so often, bc after all it has no effect on my life or anything that happens on a day to day basis. i think the worst part is that lurking feeling of being insignificant, or not good enough.. my biggest enemies.

you know that everyone is self conscious.. no matter how good you think you look. no matter how awesome you think you are. no matter how fly you think you dress. no matter how funny you are. no matter how smart your ass is. it happens. that feeling that creeps up on you that makes you wanna go in your room and hide from the whole world.

rejection is something that happens to everyone. at some point in your life you have to fail in order to succeed. i mean michael jordon was cut from his high school basketball team. jk rowling was turned down by 12 publishing companies before someone bought harry potter. it's reasons like those that make me understand that i have to be rejected, i have to feel inferior at points in my life in order to succeed. life isn't about getting everything you want.

alright i'm gonna stop rambling right now. i just had to get that off my chest.

here's a few things i bought while in baltimore :]

shoes= urban outfitters.

earrings= lucky brand.

bag= forever 21.

shirt= forever 21. [cant really tell what it looks like]

earrings= forever 21.

so scott is in tybee island right now.. so when he gets home were gonna do a video blog on the adele concert :]

another blog i wrote.. here:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

alberto morroco.

i'm home :]

the trip was amazing!

adele was the shit. i can't even explain how great the concert was.

the show was in a historical jewish synagogue in washington d.c. & to say that it was a beautiful place, is putting it lightly. the setting set the stage for a very intimate concert which turned out wonderfully. adeles voice was even BETTER live. which doesn't happen often. i like live music better, but that doesn't mean that it's always BETTER. this defiantly was. no questions about it. i've seen several concerts and i'm going to have to say this was probably my all time favorite. if anyone ever gets a chance to check her out, i highly recommend it. me & scott are going to do a video blog about the show. i will post it later on :]

adeles myspace..

a few pictures from the show. i didn't get a picture of adele bc they told me to stop taking pictures. but now i wish i would have taken one anyways! blah.



so pretty : D

me & scott.

tyler & sam. sam looks special here. haha.

while in baltimore we also went to a few awesome malls.. which is bad news for me.
considering i have a serious problem.

i got to check out urban outfitters for the first time. um.. i loved it. not only do they have badass clothes, shoes, purses, shades & so on. they also have amazing items to decorate your house with. so i found this..

it's a print of a kurt halsey painting. WHO I LOVE. i could have never found this anywhere around here so i had to cop that for sure.
only 14 bucks. not bad.
his website. CHECK IT OUT!

i will post another blog later on with the video blog i promised, and more shit i bought.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

peace out.

leaving for baltimore in the morning to see a lovely lady named adele play a nice gig.

if you know nothing of her, i would highly suggest taking a quick listen to her music.
she is a real musician. with a real voice. she writes her songs. they are quite fab.
she is in my top friends on myspace.. or just go to myspace music and type ADELE.

so when i get back expect a nice show review :]

blog plug;

her record comes out this tuesday! GO GET IT.

& we can't forget coldplays new one comes out as well :]

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the hood love to listen to jeezy & weezy and oh ya YEEZY!

my fashion icon.

lindsay lohan.
no. she is not my role model.

anyways. in my opinion no matter what lindsay rocks she looks amazing. i like that she is trendy but takes chances at the same time. bc what someone might love, another might hate. so what's the point of dressing to please others. dress to please YOU! and i think thats what lindsay does. not only that, i truly believe accessories make an outfit, and lindsay has a amazing range of accessories!

here are a few of my favorite lindsay looks :]

this whole outfit.. is on point.

the bag & shoes? um.. sick.

red ray bans. the baddest nikes i've ever seen.

this is a really crazy one. a risk for sure. i love it.

great sunnies. shoes & bag.

too amazing 4 words.

i like this one bc i feel it's a bit more grown up.

look at the bag!

balenciaga bag.. my dream :]
nice scarf & boots as well.

summery & cute.

love it!

& probably my all time favorite.

quick blog plug.
this is travie mccoy's blog.
the lead singer from gym class heroes.
check it out babies :]