Thursday, June 19, 2008

alberto morroco.

i'm home :]

the trip was amazing!

adele was the shit. i can't even explain how great the concert was.

the show was in a historical jewish synagogue in washington d.c. & to say that it was a beautiful place, is putting it lightly. the setting set the stage for a very intimate concert which turned out wonderfully. adeles voice was even BETTER live. which doesn't happen often. i like live music better, but that doesn't mean that it's always BETTER. this defiantly was. no questions about it. i've seen several concerts and i'm going to have to say this was probably my all time favorite. if anyone ever gets a chance to check her out, i highly recommend it. me & scott are going to do a video blog about the show. i will post it later on :]

adeles myspace..

a few pictures from the show. i didn't get a picture of adele bc they told me to stop taking pictures. but now i wish i would have taken one anyways! blah.



so pretty : D

me & scott.

tyler & sam. sam looks special here. haha.

while in baltimore we also went to a few awesome malls.. which is bad news for me.
considering i have a serious problem.

i got to check out urban outfitters for the first time. um.. i loved it. not only do they have badass clothes, shoes, purses, shades & so on. they also have amazing items to decorate your house with. so i found this..

it's a print of a kurt halsey painting. WHO I LOVE. i could have never found this anywhere around here so i had to cop that for sure.
only 14 bucks. not bad.
his website. CHECK IT OUT!

i will post another blog later on with the video blog i promised, and more shit i bought.

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