Wednesday, June 25, 2008

everything i'm not, made me everything i am.

have you ever spent months out of your life thinking/over analyzing/obsessing over the same thing. and you know whats worse, when it's about something/someone you would do anything to avoid. it's the worst. you tell yourself over and over again. STOP THINKING ABOUT IT. you try to convince yourself that it doesn't matter, they don't matter. you know i have this thing where i can make myself not care or least i "think" i can do that. what happens when you can't shake it? it makes no sense to think of this so often, bc after all it has no effect on my life or anything that happens on a day to day basis. i think the worst part is that lurking feeling of being insignificant, or not good enough.. my biggest enemies.

you know that everyone is self conscious.. no matter how good you think you look. no matter how awesome you think you are. no matter how fly you think you dress. no matter how funny you are. no matter how smart your ass is. it happens. that feeling that creeps up on you that makes you wanna go in your room and hide from the whole world.

rejection is something that happens to everyone. at some point in your life you have to fail in order to succeed. i mean michael jordon was cut from his high school basketball team. jk rowling was turned down by 12 publishing companies before someone bought harry potter. it's reasons like those that make me understand that i have to be rejected, i have to feel inferior at points in my life in order to succeed. life isn't about getting everything you want.

alright i'm gonna stop rambling right now. i just had to get that off my chest.

here's a few things i bought while in baltimore :]

shoes= urban outfitters.

earrings= lucky brand.

bag= forever 21.

shirt= forever 21. [cant really tell what it looks like]

earrings= forever 21.

so scott is in tybee island right now.. so when he gets home were gonna do a video blog on the adele concert :]

another blog i wrote.. here:


Anonymous said...

I love thatForever 21 bag. thank you for the nice coment!

Anonymous said...

i can't believe jk rowling was turned down by 12 publishers, if i was her i probably would have been like ok forget it, but that just goes to show if you really beleieve in something or yourself then you shouldn't give up.

Anonymous said...

Okay-yeah but sometimes what you wanted or were believing in wasn't substantial in the first place and you can live without it-you find you are just too good for or completly different from whatever it was...or maybe you were a little dumb...