Sunday, June 1, 2008

some say i'm a black sheep.

so... check out this kick ass book case i found on kanyes blog.


that's sick.

so you guys should probably check out this site.. if you haven't already.

&& if your into fashion.. this is a really good place to check out stuff :]

so it's officially june, which is really crazy & i feel like summer is going to be gone before it even started. life is passing me by way to fast.

i have a goal of reading 30 books this summer.. so i'm down three so far, and i'm currently reading two more right now. we'll see how this goes..

some of you may have seen my video with a friend talking about our "new band" the rusty forks. haha. well that isn't going so well. why you may ask? well neither one of us can sing, neither can play an instrument and we have about zero music ability. but you never know we might pull something together.

we did right a few badass lyrics.
maybe we could just read those to you guys? haha.
and i do have a really pimp keyboard i could play. it's pretty sweet.
i'll keep you updated on that :]

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