Saturday, March 15, 2008


new blog :]

i plan on blogging about anything and everything..

so add me to your favorites, and check back every now and again.

for those of you who don't know me..
my names mandy.

a few things i enjoy would be..

GOD. good conversation. fashion. starbucks. laughing. traveling. thinking about EVERYTHING. reading. the park. family. friends. driving around aimlessly. [cant do that much anymore bc george bush is a oil whore] movies. & more.

also .. check out the amazing hosiery i had going on today :]

oh and heres a few pictures of my cat [layne] being pissed bc im trying to take pictures of her to blog to the world!

my kitty baby <3


Anonymous said...

What a nice cat you have! say hy from me!

sridevi said...

Thank you! I like your scarf, very cool.

Anonymous said...

ooh I totally dig electric blue! Congratz to your first post! I'm looking forward to seeing more!

afton087 said...

niccee :]