Sunday, March 16, 2008

sneakerology 101?

i posted this on my myspace.. but i have to post it here bc it's so amazing!

Pennsylvania's Carnegie Mellon University has introduced its official sneaker based class, Sneakerology 101.

A university level course dealing with sneaker culture on the whole. Ranging from its roots in the 1970s to its shaping by hip-hop, the internet and basketball among other factors, the course covers the overall impact of sneakers on a worldwide level. The class utilizes Bobbito Garcia's Where'd You Get Those? for reference as well as various sneaker-based websites. Evaluations include a mid-term project pertaining to the design of a sneaker, incorporating elements acquired along the way. Interested parties can sign up for the class' next session set for Spring of 2009.

if this was offered at my school, i would be on this like white on rice.

speaking of sneakers i thought i'd post my favorite pair.. :]

oh and todays outfit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im an amazing photographer :]