Sunday, April 27, 2008

political bitches.

this is just a quick plug to what i think is a really good blog.

it's called political bitches. it's ran by two girls: laura and elysa.

they both have good insight on the election and the candidates. although that statement might be a bit bias. lol

this is the most recent blog they posted. check it out!

Dear Generation X,

April 16, 2008 at 8:20 pm (Uncategorized) (, )

I have three important posts in the works, but as Hell Week is quickly approaching for we college students, they’re on hold for the moment. For now, a brief and totally off-the-cuff spiff:

The current group of 18-24 year olds are statistically the most uninvolved, disengaged generation of young people in American history. Bar none. And that’s not an opinion, that’s a fact. The issue I take with those I meet who exemplify this trend is that they seem to have deluded themselves into believing that the realm of politics and government is someone else’s responsibility, and that if they choose to be apathetic, it is their right.

To me, they might as well be saying, “the earth is flat,” because that is the staggering amount of ignorance it requires to maintain such an uninformed, pitiful attitude. In a republic such as the United States, politics and government are the duty of the people. If you are not plugged in, you are being irresponsible. We, as a nation, need to start considering our right to vote, petition, and rally as the sort of obligation that we consider when we speak of providing for our families and paying our bills. Because, folks, you can accumulate as much wealth as you damn well want. You can be a responsible mother/father and feed and clothe your children, you can send them to the very best university and provide for them the very best that life has to offer. But none of that– none of it– will mean a single fucking thing if you don’t invest yourself in the government and in the country that they will inherit. All of your efforts to be a responsible member of your family– whether that is a parent, sibling, or grandparent– will be for naught if you don’t also endeavor to be a responsible citizen.

Additionally, anyone who uses the term “right” in the context of having rights in the same sentence as “apathetic” is– and I say this without hesitation– an unfortunate moron. The entire concept of the values of human/civil rights is derived (in the modern sense) from the Enlightenment Movement… otherwise known as the “Age of Reason.” Consider that. You are claiming the right to be an apathetic mooch based off the hard work and sacrifices of those who gave you the very concept. Wow. Well, I tell you what. I’m in a Henry Clay, compromising sort of mood. So I won’t argue with you over the fact that you indeed have that right, so long as you don’t argue with me over the fact that you are indeed an idiot.

Lastly, the notion that your choice to be apathetic doesn’t affect anyone else only further illuminates the precise degree to which you are an idiot. It proves your utter lack of understanding for the very foundational basics of democracy and government, and while that earns both my pity and disgust, I am frankly too revolted by your regression into a Neanderthal to waste my time teaching you the ABCs of intellect. If you are so adamant on being a lazy farce, please feel free to move to one of the many countries that do not allow your participation in government, for it would surely suit your indolent sensibilities best.

For those of you who do not wish to be apathetic, who want to be civilly engaged, but just aren’t sure where to begin or how to start informing yourselves on the issues, I at least applaud your interest. It’s a good start. I would propose a number of recommendations, starting with taking a civics/government 101 course as soon as you can. Some high schools offer them, but if yours doesn’t, take one the very second you enter college. If you aren’t attending college, most states offer free civics courses through branches of local universities. For instance, two of my politics professors teach free classes at a lodge about 20 miles from my college. The resources are out there. It only takes a little bit of investigation, and with the birth of the internets, there truly is no excuse.

In the meantime, if any of you ever have any questions about U.S. government, democracy, or politics, I would be positively honored to assist you in your search for an answer. I will answer outright and/or provide a number of resources so that you can research yourself. Whichever you prefer, because I am not free of bias and I would hate to influence your thinking without your permission. Seriously. Independent thought is a gift only you can give yourself.

“The death of democracy will not be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment.” –Robert Maynard Hutchins



Saturday, April 19, 2008


looking for a new book or series?

if you like vampire novels or fantasy sort of stuff,
you might like this.
it also has romance in it. people keep saying it's more for girls,
but that's not true.
there are 3 books, the 4th is coming out in august.

if you wanna know more about it..
go to wikipedia or amazon.


if your looking for some new music..
check out this kick ass rap duo.


go to..

their DEBUT album comes out MAY 20TH

if your bored, check out this girls blog
it's a style blog, and it's really good.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

why would you not vote?

OK. Here we go.

So i just heard this statistic.

1 out of 6 Americans would not vote for the democratic nominee if it wasn't the one of THEIR CHOICE.


Do you really think thats a good CHOICE?

This post is for all the democrats out there..

I know everyone that knows me is sick and tired of hearing me talk about this shit.. but i don't care. Your gonna hear about it until November. So if you don't want to hear it.. stop reading NOW.

If you want change in America, if you don't want our country at war, with possibly more than one country, i suggest you vote Democrat this year. I don't want to hear another word out of any conservative Republicans mouth vowing that this war has done anything good for our country. If you truly believe that.. maybe you should step back and take a look at the economy, or maybe our country's reputation to the rest of the world, and on and on.

I can say this because I know it's true.

If John McCain is our president come next year, we are fucked.

Stop being so stubborn and vote Democrat, REGARDLESS the nominee. I support Barack Obama 110% but if he is not the nominee, i will vote Hilary Clinton, because I love my country.

I'M BEGGING YOU GUYS!!!! If you aren't registered to vote, hit up my myspace at....

I have a link you can click on to register to vote, it may take 3 or 4 weeks to get your card but you should get it before MAY 13TH, which is our primary. So go register now.

Thanks :]
